Prof. Barrie Thorne: Social Class Inequality and Children's Experiences and Management of Family Shame

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Přednáška se bude konat v úterý 25. května od 16h, na hlavní budově Akademie věd, Národní 3, Praha 1, místnost č. 206.

Oddělení Gender & sociologie Sociologického ústavu Akademie věd ČR, v.v.i., Vás zve na přednášku

Prof. Barrie Thorne / professor of Sociology, and Gender and Women’s Studies, University of California, Berkeley

„Social Class Inequality and Children's Experiences and Management of Family Shame“.

Over the last four decades the contours of childhood in urban California have changed dramatically, with widening gaps between rich and poor, cuts in state provisioning, the expansion of markets in services for families and children, and a dramatic influx of immigrants from diverse places of origin.  Collaborative fieldwork in a public elementary school in Oakland illuminated children’s experiences and negotiation of multiple lines of difference and inequality. Ideas about racialized ethnicity, children’s commercial culture, gender, and age figured prominently in kids’ understandings of individual and group difference. But social class divides, although tectonic in effect, were less coded and visible than were other forms of difference. Emotions of dignity and shame – and “shamework” practices used to avert or repair moments of embarrassment – laced through moments when children’s relative class positions came into view.

Přednáška se bude konat v úterý 25. května od 16h, na hlavní budově Akademie věd, Národní 3, Praha 1, místnost č. 206.

Kontakt: Eva Nechvátalová (

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